Sunday, 24 June 2012

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers Biography
A mansion with a young owner, turns to be just the face of an occult practice on this world. Young ladies are trained to serve well the desires of the man who can pay for it. Brutality and torture are just normal things to this family. Also debts from womans can be paid with just a single word of acceptance to render their bodies to the most barbaric practices. But in the end the excess can have a high cost.
Tetsuya's investigation into a luxurious hotel turns over a nest of yakuza and a bizarre orgy cult. On rich silk sheets and velvet chairs, the rich and powerful participate in sex acts so depraved that just witnessing them is likely to turn a man into a monster. But the true purpose of this cult is a pact with evil energies that can literally turn Tetsuya into an inhuman demon.
For our primary viewing session, we listened to this show in its English language adaptation. The mostly accurate script for the English track as well as the Japanese track are both in basic stereo mixes which aren't all that immersive in general. It's a pretty standard kind of mix that feels more like it's a full forward soundstage piece instead of much in terms of directionality but it plays out well. The music is the one area where it feels like there is anything significant coming from the stereo channels as dialogue feels very center channel based. Dialogue is however clean and clear throughout and we had no problems with dropouts or distortions during regular playback.

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers

Dark Love Wallpapers
Great Sad Valentine Love Song: In the Dark *Happy New Year 2011 !
Dark Love Wallpapers
Black cat Saya's song and random wallpaper

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