Monday, 25 June 2012

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper Biography
Not bad. But that is tame stuff compared with Obama’s analysis of Eliot more than a decade later. We learn from the great David Maraniss in the Vanity Fair excerpt of his upcoming biography, Barack Obama: The Story, that our president went way deeper on Eliot as a 20-year-old at Columbia University in New York. In a letter to his then-girlfriend apparently responding to her deconstructionist interpretation of Eliot, Obama wrote:

“Eliot contains the same ecstatic vision which runs from Münzer to Yeats. However, he retains a grounding in the social reality/order of his time. Facing what he perceives as a choice between ecstatic chaos and lifeless mechanistic order, he accedes to maintaining a separation of asexual purity and brutal sexual reality. And he wears a stoical face before this. Read his essay on Tradition and the Individual Talent, as well as Four Quartets, when he’s less concerned with depicting moribund Europe, to catch a sense of what I speak. Remember how I said there’s a certain kind of conservatism which I respect more than bourgeois liberalism—Eliot is of this type. Of course, the dichotomy he maintains is reactionary, but it’s due to a deep fatalism, not ignorance. (Counter him with Yeats or Pound, who, arising from the same milieu, opted to support Hitler and Mussolini.) And this fatalism is born out of the relation between fertility and death, which I touched on in my last letter—life feeds on itself. A fatalism I share with the western tradition at times.”

OK, maybe we all will be reading (re-reading?) Lacan’s Four Fundamental Concepts in 2013. But if that makes you want to vote for Mitt Romney, you fail to see the full scope of the threat. Clinton and Obama ended up majoring in political science. Before he got his business and law degrees at Harvard, Willard Mitt Romney spent his time tracing the influence of Homer and Dante on 19th century thought as an English major at Brigham Young University.

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper

Love Letter Wallpaper
Best Song Everrr- Wallpaper (Music Video).
Love Letter Wallpaper
Love U 365 - My Lovely Baby

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