Thursday 28 June 2012

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border Biography
Gleaming shell of an outworn lie; fable of Right divine—
You gained your crowns by heritage, but Blood was the price of mine.
The throne that I won by blood and sweat , by Crom, I will not sell
For promise of valleys filled with gold, or threat of the Halls of Hell!
The Lion strode through the Halls of Hell;
Across his path grim shadows fell
Of many a mowing, nameless shape
Monsters with dripping jaws agape.
The darkness shuddered with scream and yell
When the Lion stalked through the Halls of Hell.
Like gay-hued leaves after an autumn storm, the fallen littered the plain; the sinking sun shimmered on burnished helmets, gilt-worked mail, silver breastplates, broken swords and the heavy regal folds of silken standards, overthrown in pools of curdling crimson. In silent heaps lay war-horses and their steel-clad riders, flowing manes and blowing plumes stained alike in the red tide. About them and among them, like the drift of a storm, were strewn slashed and trampled bodies in steel caps and leather jerkins...
"...Free my hands and I'll varnish this floor with your brains!"
"Crom!" his mighty shoulders twitched. "A murrain of these wizardly feuds! Pelias has dealt well with me, but I care not if I see him no more. Give me a clean sword and a clean foe to flesh it in. Damnation! What would I not give for a flagon of wine!"
Aye, you white dog, you are like all your race; but to a black man gold can never pay for blood.
A former chief of Abombi to Conan
A long bow and a strong bow, and let the sky grow dark!
The cord to the nock, the shaft to the ear, and the king of Koth for a mark!
Song of the Bossonian Archers

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border

Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border
Live Love Laugh Jonas Sister Episode One
Live Love Laugh Wallpaper Border
Love Laugh & Live [Official Music Video] Megan Lee

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